US } SixFive ; Not 6, Not 5. But 37 of us(:
Friday, June 26, 2009

Fine, since EP wants me to relink all of you, here I am.
If I didn't relink anyone of you, tag the tagboard with your damn blog link. :D

Off I go relink now, bye!

Saturday, June 6, 2009
6/5 Class Outing!!!

There will be 2 outings this June holiday!

1) We will be going to Bugis to watch movie, walk around, stuffs like that. As for the movie, we'll decide what to watch when we reach there.
  • Date: 12 June, Friday
  • Time: 12.30pm - 5.30pm (Roughly)
  • Meeting venue: Bus-stop @ block 574/Bugis MRT
People who have confirmed that they will be going: (9 and still counting.)
  1. Eileen Per
  2. Joyce
  3. Yi Ning
  4. Emily
  5. Eileen Tay
  6. Bertrand
  7. Derrick
  8. Jolyn Koh

(P.S. For the second outing, we will update about it next time.)